
2in binder
2in binder

Underneath the vinyl you can create separate customized information and insert it as a title page or any other information that you want to display on the front, back and spine. These binders have a clear vinyl overlay on front, back and spine. Presentation binders are often called Clearview, Clear view, Clearvue™, or Clear Overlay binders. Use a Presentation Binder for proposals, presentations and reports. *Note: Actual capacity depends on the ring style you choose. Ring Binder Sheet Capacity Chart* Ring Size

2in binder

Avery®, Cardinal®, Samsill®, WilsonJones®, and Business Source™ (our proprietary brand) are among the most common for 3-ring binders. Sheet capacity will vary somewhat depending on which binder manufacturer one uses as a resource. The number of pages of paper (sheet capacity) that a binder can hold depends on the size of the binder (that’s the ring size measured as inches) and the type of ring style. The ring is mounted to the back cover so pages lie flat.

2in binder

D-Ring Binders hold up to 25% more paper than a Round Ring.

  • D Ring: To determine the sheet capacity of a D-Ring (available as an angled D-Ring or straight D-Ring) binder, measure the straight part of the ring style shape.
  • The ring is usually mounted to the spine. Round Ring is the most common for standard capacity.
  • Round Ring (also called O-Ring): To determine the sheet capacity of a Round or O-RingBinder, measure across the inside diameter of the rings.
  • The overall size of the rings must be larger than the stated inch-size because the ring must go around the contents in order for you to close it. Ring binder size (1″, 2″, etc.) is measured based on the size of the ring, not the width of the binder spine.

    2in binder

    The most common mistake made when choosing a binder is selecting the wrong ring size. Tips for Choosing the Correct Ring Binder

    2in binder